I’ve been a Christ-follower for most of my life and have had my own seasons of wondering, wandering, hurting, and doubting. But through it all, I’ve discovered Restoration, Eternity, Authenticity, and Love in relationship with Jesus Christ. And I love to share and talk about what’s REAL with others.
This is a space for the one who is still hasn’t found what she’s looking for and for the one who maybe like me, has sometimes struggled with her faith. This is a place for those who love young women who are questioning. This is a safe and grace-filled kind of journey. I hope you’ll bring along a friend who is also searching- especially one who’s not so sure where to find it- and join friends and me as we discover what’s so special about this guy named Jesus.
“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” ~CS Lewis
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