you love jesus. you’ve found something real with him. but YOU love someone who hasn’t found that real yet…

Do you ever feel tension between pushing a loved one away with your Jesus talk or keeping your mouth shut about the best thing that ever happened to you?

Does your loved one seem reluctant to faith conversations? Do they say they’ve deconstructed? Do you see them living a life apart from God? Do they tell you they can’t believe in a God who does… Maybe they have lots of faith questions that you can’t relate to, or currently identify in a way you don’t understand, or they seem resistant to all things Jesus Christ… Maybe you have even started shaking your head or retreating from any conversation about faith. But yet, you still desire to love your loved one well, and you know that means sharing the source of the best love ever… BUT HOW???

Well, if that’s you, I get that. I can relate to ALL the above. But perhaps like your wayward loved one, I also know what it’s like to go through a faith crisis, wrestle with spiritual questions, and live a life incongruent with my professed faith.

The enemy would love nothing more than for you to become defeated. But I’m here to talk about finding something REAL: Restoration, Eternity, Authenticity, and LOVE. As Christians, you and I would say that all of those things are truly only found in relationship with Jesus. But how do you share that message with the one your heart is burdened for?

Hello, friend.

My name is Janell.

i am here because I love jesus

and I love sharing about his realness with others.

I’ve been a Christ-follower for most of my life but have had my own seasons of wondering, wandering, hurting, and doubting.

After experiencing my own rejection wounds and faith questions, years of helping people both in crisis and in ministry, a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology, a Christian apologetics certificate (Cross Examined Instructor’s Academy with Frank Turek), helping equip Christian teenagers by teaching them how to share their faith and leading them on worldview and apologetics mission trips, opening our home for years to teenagers from around the world through high school exchange, and hosting a podcast with questioning young women and connecting them with Christians who can address their objections and skepticism for over five years, it’s time to take what I’ve learned and share it with you, beloved friend.

To learn more, click here!