Does Everyone Go to Heaven? with Michael McClymond

Happy Wednesday! 

Today on the podcast, we welcome Michael McClymond. He shares about his faith journey as well as his new book. He talks a bit about why the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes played a part in his search for meaning. Then, he chats about Universalism— what it is, why it is a personal topic for him, and the theological consequences of embracing it. 

They also chat a bit about Richard Rohr (one of those who made the Enneagram popular) and his theology, self-oriented spirituality, a not-often discussed part of the Gospel message, mental health & social media, and more!

We hope you enjoy this episode!

About Michael
Michael McClymond is professor of modern Christianity at Saint Louis University and author of The Devil’s Redemption: A New History and Interpretation of Christian Universalism, which was chosen as a winner in The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 book awards. He earned his MDiv from Yale University and PhD in Theology from University of Chicago. He had held teaching or research appointments at Wheaton college, The University of California- San Diego, Emory, Yale, and hte Universities of Birmingham in the UK and Berlin in Germany. He has written or edited a dozen volumes that treat Christian theology, North American religion, world Christianity, Comparative religions and Biblical Studies.