Why Become a Christian When Your Current Worldview Seems Fine? with Abdu Murray

Happy Wednesday! Today Abdu joins Noelle and Janell!

This is the tenth episode in a series dedicated to special co-host, Noelle. Abdu Murray joins Noelle, Janell, and special guest, Signe, for a conversation about his journey from being a proud Muslim to becoming a Christian. Abdu talks about the importance of love and treating people with dignity and kindness. He shares the challenges he's faced within his family and community due to his decision to embrace Christianity. Abdu emphasizes the need to separate a person from their ideas and see each person as intrinsically valuable even when disagreements occur. He shares about the fulfillment he found in Jesus and how becoming a Christian was not something he initially desired but a decision he made out of intellectual honesty. He talks about the purpose of the Christian faith not being about achieving happiness, but instead finding fulfillment, joy, and knowledge of God.

 We hope you enjoy today's episode! 

About Abdu Murray

Abdu Murray offers the credibility of the gospel message as a speaker and writer with Embrace the Truth. He has authored several books including Saving Truth, Grand Central Question, Apocalypse Later, and the forthcoming More than a White Man’s Religion. For most of his life, Abdu was a proud Muslim until a nine-year historical, philosophical, theological, and scientific investigation pointed him to the Christian faith. Abdu has spoken to diverse international audiences and has participated in debates and dialogues across the globe. Abdu holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School. Abdu lives in the Detroit, Michigan area with his wife and their three children.

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Noelle's First episode
Noelle & Drew
Noelle & Xandra
Noelle & Doug
Noelle & J, Warner Wallace

Noelle & Jeannine Hanger


Embrace The Truth
Abdu Murray - YouTube
”Was Jesus Raised from the Dead?”
Grand Central Question - Abdu Murray
Saving Truth - Abdu Murray
More Than a White Man’s Religion - Abdu Mu


Questions Christianity Answers with Abdu Murray

REPLAY: Questions Christianity Answers with Abdu Murray

What Happens When You Embrace the Truth about Jesus Christ? with Abdu Murray

Christianity: Is it helpful? Is it good? with Abdu Murray

Janell Wood