REPLAY: When Following Jesus Isn't Easy with Justin Brierley

Happy New Year, friends! As we plan for this new year of podcasts, we want to share with you some of our favorite episodes from 2021! We hope you enjoy this replay!

Would you follow Jesus if it seemed like everyone around you was choosing to follow something else? Or how would you stay anchored to faith in Christ when you are constantly bombarded by big questions about Christianity, not just by friends and culture, but instead by some of the highest regarded intellectual thinkers of our time?  

In this episode, this month’s co-host Dagmar and Janell have a conversation with podcaster/author/speaker, Justin Brierley.We would love to thank our Patrons for all their support! Special thanks to Brian and Jill Wilson. To learn more about the Finding Something REAL Patreon, click here!

Janell Wood