Sweet Memories, Church Hurt, & Genuine Questions about God

Welcome to Season 6 of the Finding Something REAL Podcast! We are delighted to introduce Grayce, March’s co-host, to you today! Grayce shares about being raised in a loving Christian home, giving her life to Christ and being baptized, and seeing her mom as a wonderful model of faith. She also shares about a few things that made her feel as if church was not where she wanted to be and what has lead her to take a different approach to her faith. 

We hope you enjoy the episode!

This month, we are going to address a few of Grayce’s questions including:

- Why does God allow people to suffer? Why would He allow it when He can end suffering?

- How can a loving God send people who have never heard of Him to hell? If we have free will, but don’t follow him, does that mean we will be eternally damned?

- What is God like? What was His role before creating the universe?

- How can we respond to church hurt?

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