Young People, Ministry, and Questions about Faith with Dr. Joe Miller

Today on the Finding Something REAL Podcast, we are excited to share an interview with Dr.  Joe Miller. Dr. Miller shares how he got involved in apologetics and teaching worldview at Grand Canyon University. They talk about the importance of apologetics and preparing kids for college, major questions answered by the Christian worldview, and some of the questions (or the lack of questions!) he encounters. They also talk about suffering—why does God allow it? Why doesn’t He intervene? Is there purpose in our suffering?


We hope you enjoy this episode!

About Dr. Miller

Dr. Joe Miller earned a B.A. in architectural engineering from Pennsylvania State University, an M.Div. from Oral Roberts University, a M.A.S.R. from Southern California Seminary, a D.Min.  from Biola University, and a Th.M. and Ph.D. in ethics from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught in higher education for more than a decade and has worked in pastoral ministry for over 20 years. He has authored multiple books on leadership, church history, and biblical theology.   

Young People, Ministry, and Questions about Faith with Dr. Joe Miller
Janell Wood
Janell Wood