Posts tagged good friday
Good Friday & FOMO

When I was fifteen, I traveled to the Philippines on a three-week missions trip with leaders and other kids from my youth group. It was a large group- I think over 40 of us. And for over a year beforehand, we had prepared a one-hour long drama called “Toymaker and Son.” Toymaker was an allegory of the Biblical story- from creation to resurrection. We had makeup, costumes, props, and a pastor leading us who had grown up in the Philippines, knew the local culture, and spoke Tagalog. It was an incredible experience as we went around to various towns and areas, performing for crowds of people. At the end of each performance, there was a “come to Jesus” invitation and, sometimes people made decisions to give their lives to Christ. It was powerful stuff to witness, especially as a teenager.

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Who is God of Your Life?

The other day, I was listening to a talk by a speaker named Kim Meeder. She said something along the lines of this, “In life, there is really just one question: ‘Who will be the god of your life?’” Hmmm… Maybe Good Friday more than any other day, is an opportunity to ask ourselves that question. We celebrate the day Jesus was born. Christmas. We celebrate the day Jesus rose from the dead. Easter. But we also celebrate the day Jesus died. And we call it good.

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